
Homeowners insurance is a lifesaver for homes that have been hit by bad weather, like hail and hurricanes. It’s also a major benefit when no bad weather has occurred and it is simply that your roof has hit its expiration date. Insurance for your home can cover much of the expenses for roof repairs or roof replacements, or even all of the cost, depending on the situation. Seeing that roofing costs are no laughing matter, it is best to make sure you choose a Houston roofing company that is trustworthy, and not one that will play a terrible prank by taking your money and running.
At EZ Roof, we have established our reputation in the Greater Houston area over the past decade as a trustworthy, responsible, and professional roofing business. The best way to ensure that you are getting the most out of your homeowners insurance is to have one of our roofing experts to join the insurance adjuster on a roof inspection.


During a roof inspection, our roofing professional will help the adjuster make the correct assessments and ensure that nothing is missed that needs to be covered. Covering the cost of the roof repair is very beneficial, but if something is missed, like a soft spot or a crack in the roofing structure, the problem can persist and increase, leading to damage that will have to be addressed, but may not get covered until the insurance renews. Our inspectors know what to look for and they know how to help adjusters.
Our goal is to make certain that nothing missed and everything that can be covered, will be. Homeowners insurance is an imperative for homeowners. Make the most of it.


If you need a roof inspection, then contact EZ Roof today and have one of our trained roofing technicians come to your home to help with the inspection. Our team of trustworthy professionals will make sure you get the most from your insurance coverage. Contact us today. We look forward to providing you with a strong and healthy roof.

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