
Summertime in Houston is not for the faint of heart. The high temperatures will keep many indoors during the afternoon hours. A typical Houston day in mid-summer can get up to 90 degrees, if not higher. This is not the time to venture outside and check the condition of your roof to make sure it is holding up to the heat. Take the time in spring, before these warm days arrive, to prepare and be ready to spend the afternoons indoors with a good book and iced tea. 

spring roof maintenance, roof maintenance tips, Houston

Do an Inspections

Be sure to do this particular tip in the morning when it is slightly cooler. Better yet, after each major storm, do a quick check to make sure the roof is still strong and solid and able to keep you, your family, and your possessions safe and protected. Unattended minor damage can cause further damage to the entire roof if it isn’t caught early enough. If you have concerns about what to look for, contact the professionals at EZ Roof and Construction in Houston to help! We are well aware of problem areas and can easily detect any future complications. We have a trained eye and can foresee potential issues with ease. Not only will we check for shingle damages, but also for areas of moss buildup, accumulated leaves and debris, and clogged gutters. Based on the findings, you can determine whether to fix the problem areas now or wait til the future. 

Check the Shingles

After storms, it is common to see damaged shingles. They can be bent, lifted, cracked, or split. These areas need to be replaced soon. If you wait too long, the next storm could rip them off and cause water damage underneath. Also, determine how much shingle granular loss there is. Do you see areas of black on your shingles? This is caused by the granules falling off and the shingle surface is revealed. These will likewise need to be replaced soon. 

Inspect the Gutters

Springtime and summer storms are inevitable! Severe thunderstorms can produce heavy rain, flash flooding, dangerous winds, and lightning. Be sure the gutter system is debris-free and prepared to tackle the excessive water during the storms. The gutter system is vitally important for the integrity of your roof. If water can not freely flow away from the surface due to clogged gutters, then it can overflow and cause damage to the foundation of your home. Take the time in spring to clean out the gutters and make sure they are prepared for what lies ahead. 

Trusted spring roof maintenance in Houston

Trim Overhanging Branches

Shade from trees is great for keeping the home nice and cool in the warm summer months. However, there are some concerns when the branches and limbs are too long. A fierce storm can cause them to break off and damage the roof or gutters. Be sure to trim back the long branches and dispose of them properly. If you have some concerns about proper trimming, be sure to call a professional tree trimmer for assistance. It is better to use wise judgment and ask for help than to try and tackle something yourself and be harmed. 

Clean and Declutter the Attic

We usually don’t think about how the interior of our home can impact the exterior. But, in this case, air flow in the attic can help the roof function better. If there is proper ventilation and insulation, then the monthly energy bills can be diminished. If there is a great deal of clutter from floor to ceiling, blocking the ventilation, and airflow, then the HVAC system may need to work harder to keep the roof cool. Plus, by decluttering, perhaps someone can get use out of the items, rather than collecting dust in the attic. 

By taking a few simple steps and preparing your home and roof in the springtime for the upcoming summer season, repairs can possibly be minimal, and the extra time can be used to enjoy the afternoons with ease and peace of mind. Trust the professionals at EZ Roof and Construction in Houston to assist with any questions or concerns you may have about your roof. We are here to help!