
A roof is a major investment and a huge component in the comfort and protection your home provides to you and your family. The upkeep of your roof should be a regular line item on your household maintenance schedule. What are some things to consider when desiring to keep your roof in perfect condition this year? 

Removal of Overhanging Branches

Trees and branches can create huge issues if they are not trimmed back properly. Heavy storms and tornadoes can cause limbs to break off and potentially fall on and damage your roof. Trim the branches and limbs away from your home to prevent debris complications. If you have concerns about safely removing the limbs, contact a trusted professional to assist you. 

Houston, TX reliable roof maintenance roofer

Inspect the Roofing Material 

Have you lost any shingles? Are there areas where the shingles are bent, split, or damaged? Repair these individual areas with new material before water can seep under the edges and create a more costly repair. Are there fasteners rusting on your metal roofing? These need to be taken care of speedily to prevent future complications. An inspection should be scheduled yearly for any damage or signs of age. Also, consider inspecting your roof after a strong storm for any potential damage. 

Check Gutter System

The gutter system has an important job in keeping your roof running smoothly. The excess water needs a place to collect and safely be carried away from the home. If there is debris, leaves, or evidence of animals present in the gutters, then the water overflows and doesn’t funnel away properly. When cleaning out the gutter system, look carefully for any damaged, split or broken areas of the gutter. These areas should be fixed before more damage can occur. 

Replace the Caulk Around Flashings

Flashing around chimneys and vent pipes prevents water from leaking into your home. Make sure the areas are inspected yearly to prevent any complications. The old caulk can be easily removed, and new fresh caulk can be applied. 

Moss and Mildew Removal

Moss and mildew on a roof can be unsightly from a distance. Moss acts as a sponge, soaking up water and holding on to it for lengthy periods. This can cause shingles to buckle or raise in the corners, and unfortunately, seep down through the roofing materials. Have the areas cleaned as soon as they are noticed to prevent costly repairs in the future. 

home insulation installation experts Houston, TX


Improper insulation can result in higher monthly energy bills. The comfortable temperatures in the home can’t be easily maintained when it escapes through the roof. Proper insulation will allow those temperatures to remain in the home, which allows the heating and cooling system to run less. This will then provide lower energy bills. That is a huge win! 

These are some fabulous tips for keeping your roof working in peak condition this year. If you have concerns about any of these procedures, seek a professional roofing contractor to assist. EZ Roof and Construction in Houston is here to help you every step of the way!  We strive to make any roofing experience as easy as possible. Our highly qualified roofing experts have provided superior roofing services in Houston for several years. For stress-free roofing assistance, look to us for all of your roofing needs! Schedule a free inspection today!